Due to the ever increasing amount of vehicular traffic accessing the Coyote Wall Trailhead at Courtney Road, the decision has been made to no longer have a school bus stop there. This also affects students riding to/from Ken’s Auto and Leis’ Driveway. Students riding to/from these stops will now need to use the Wind Ranch stop, just like we did recently during Hwy 14 construction. This will begin on Thursday, November 18th and will be a permanent change.
Please see the stop time changes below.
Bus Stop AM Pick Up PM Drop Off
Wind Ranch 7:38 3:39
738 East Steuben 7:39 3:40
Old Bingen School 7:40 3:30
For HMS & CHS students 7:42 3:25
Rhine Village
For HMS & CHS students 7:47
Thank you for your understanding. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you require clarifications.